Versaperm and Vapour Permeability
Versaperm is a technology leader in vapour (vapour) permeability measurement and offers advanced instrumentation, a laboratory testing service and a technical consultancy.
The greater the vapour permeability of a material, the more rapidly vapour can pass through it.
Our ability to design the instrumentation that measures this characteristic is based on decades of technological expertise united with our laboratory experience in testing an enormous variety of materials and gases with our cutting edge instruments.
Our Gemco packaging seal / seam verification measurement equipment offers food manufactures an ideal, proven solution to testing the integrity and strength of seams in bagged, wrapped and boxed products.
Our instrumentation and laboratory testing abilities can be combined to offer a vapour permeability consultancy services where decades of technical skill and experience are made available to our customers.
Fick's First Law of Diffusion

Fick's First Law states that 'the rate of diffusion (e.g. of a vapour) is proportional to the surface area and the concentration difference, it is inversely proportional to the thickness of the membrane".....more
The Dangers and Benefits of Vapour Permeability Video
Video Link: What is Vapour Permeability
Video Link The Dangers of Vapour Permeability Video
Video Link: The maths and science of vapour permeability