Permeability glitches are probably the world’s biggest cause of waste, failure and problems. In the UK it costs billions of pounds a year in stale and wasted food alone. It causes printers to jam, electronics to fail and drugs to lose potency. It is even the reason why some materials print better than others. Yet it is widely mis-understood.
As a world technology leader in this field we offer a twin Permeability Consultancy – one half covering Permeability Materials and Problems, and the other offering a fast-turn-around Laboratory Permeability Measurement service.
Materials and Problems
This division specialises in the complex and technical areas of permeability - such as the correct choice and use of specialist materials - for example for MAP (Modified Atmosphere Packaging), drug packaging, building products and in coatings for specialty papers.
Permeability Consultancy
Our Permeability Consultancy division specialises in providing fast turn-around (often 24 hour) laboratory permeability measurement services.
We have several decades of technical experience alongside a deep and comprehensive understanding of the Physics of permeability and materials and are usually able to provide answers to problems quickly and efficiently.
The Versaperm Permeability Consultancy also advises on the testing, design and construction of materials, containers and other parts which can be critical to customers’ product’s success. Also, we can design instruments to meet specific testing needs and specifications and needs and are able to take concepts to production on an OEM basis.